Adult care accessible communications policy

Our commitment

We are committed to making sure people can access and understand the information we provide.  We also want to help them contact us in ways that meet their needs.

We aim to make our information as accessible as possible. Where further accessibility is required, we aim to make it available to people:

  • upon request
  • in a timely manner
  • via translators and interpreters
  • in alternative formats

All new policies and printed information produced by adult care will include the following statement:

In accordance with current legislation, we want to treat everyone fairly. We follow the Accessible Information Standard

Although we do not regularly translate things, there are times when a barrier prevents people from accessing a service. In such cases we may provide an interpreter or written translation.

Please contact us on 01522 782155 or email if you need this document in a different format, for example, large print, braille or easy read.

General principles

To support accessible communication and information, we will:

  • Promote the availability of information in alternative formats.  We want to support people in making informed choices about their care.
  • Use plain language in our publications, including our website, and avoid unnecessary jargon.
  • Indicate in the information we produce where people can ask for accessible and alternative formats of this information.
  • Focus on continuous improvement.  We will regularly review this policy and amend it as required.
  • Develop our approach to engagement and co-production with the public and user groups.  This will enable us to include the views of those with lived experience.
  • Provide the resources to deliver this policy.  We will review requests for alternative formats to ensure they represent value for money. We may suggest alternative formats.
  • Achieve the best value for money in delivering this policy. This will be done by using our contracted provider wherever possible.
  • Monitor and report on the number of requests we receive for information in alternative formats.
  • Update and review a library of key documents which will be readily available in alternative formats.
  • Update and review staff guidance on making information and communication accessible.
  • Work with our corporate colleagues to ensure our adult care communications policy links with corporate approaches.  This will improve our wider customer experience and improve accessibility to our services.
  • Ensure that our staff are aware of the principles of the Accessible Information Standard and how they can apply them when working with others.