Skdc recycling
Information for Residents

SKDC have advised of some changes to recycling about to take place within the District.

Dear Resident,

We are writing to advise you of some changes about to take place in South Kesteven.

From early February 2024, we will be collecting domestic paper and cardboard separately from the rest of the household recycling. There will be lots of information about this in the media and across our social media platforms, as well as in the attached documents.

This is because we want to help residents to recycle as much of their waste as possible and reduce the carbon footprint.

More than 12.5m tonnes of paper and cardboard are used in the UK each year – some 20% of all household waste produced in the UK, with the average family throwing away around six trees-worth of paper every year. If every person in the country recycled just 10% more paper it would save approximately five million trees each year.

Householders currently put paper and cardboard in the silver recycling bin, but because it is mixed with other materials (plastic, glass and metals) it often gets contaminated with small amounts of food waste or liquid left in tins/containers, or broken glass. This makes it almost impossible to recycle efficiently.

This is why we will soon be collecting paper and cardboard in a separate (purple-lidded) bin from the rest of the recycling. The clean, dry paper and cardboard will then be sent directly to a dedicated paper mill which will recycle this into paper-based products. All residents who have a standard sized wheeled bin will receive a new purple-lidded bin.

We want to make this transition as easy as possible, so new purple-lidded bins will be delivered in November and December 2023.

Skdc recycling purple lid bin

We will be writing to all residents now, and again to let them know when they should begin using the bin, so that we can be sure that all bins are delivered to all households in South Kesteven before we begin to empty them from February 2024.

Please be assured that all other waste collection arrangements will continue as normal.

In future, SKDC will not empty domestic household bins if incorrect items have been left in them. We need to do this to ensure that as much of the waste people have carefully separated for recycling can be recycled. We will be working hard with residents to make sure they can continue to recycle everything they can in the simplest and easiest way.

An informative guide on what to do with waste and recycling at home is available to download from this link.

The Council will NOT be able to take any additional material, known as side waste, (including cardboard) placed next to the bin, whether it is in bags or not. This will need to be disposed of at people’s nearest Household Waste Recycling Centre. Locations of these can be found at or by calling 01522 782070.

Residents can continue putting paper and cardboard in their silver bin until we notify them to start using the purple-lidded bin in February.

Residents without bins who use the sack collections, or who use bins in communal areas, should continue to put paper and card in with recycling on the new silver bin collection weeks only, highlighted grey on the calendar. This is because the paper mill will not currently accept plastic sacks – but we are actively seeking a solution.

The annual collection calendar for the coming year is also available to download from this link, colour coded to show the dates on which different bins should be presented. Collection details can also be found on our website  

Visit for information on how to cut down on waste.

Please note that additional waste, such as following a house move, can also be taken to any Household Waste Recycling Centre across the County.

Answers to your FAQs can be found online at

Our work to recycle your waste more effectively follows successful introduction of the paper and card collections across North Kesteven, Boston Borough, West Lindsey and East Lindsey District Councils. Thank you for helping South Kesteven District Council to recycle as much waste as we possibly can.

Contact Information

Patrick Astill
Communications Specialist
South Kesteven District Council
01476 406236
07970 279738