Short breaks services

What are short breaks

A short break is an opportunity for a child or young person with a disability to access enjoyable activities or experiences on their own, away from their primary carers. Not only will it enhance the child or young person’s personal and social development, it provides parents and carers with a valuable break from their caring roles and responsibilities. It may also help parents, carers and their child or young person to access the local community for other services provided. 

Many of the short break opportunities are available to all children with additional needs and are accessed through self-referral. However, some short breaks are more specialised and are offered where the child or young person’s needs are greater. These more specialist short breaks can be accessed following a social care assessment. 

Short breaks provide young people with disabilities an opportunity to: 

  • spend time away from their parents, increasing their independence 
  • have fun with their friends, supporting their social skills
  • give parents and carers a break from caring responsibilities

Short breaks can occur during the day or evening, overnight or on weekends. They can last a few hours or several days and can be in various locations, like: 

  • the family home 
  • a carer’s home
  • a residential setting
  • a universal or specialist community facility or service
  • subsidised family holidays

Family Services Directory

Our directory supports the Local Offer, Lincolnshire's family hubs and the start for life programme. It provides information on useful local organisations and activities where you live.

For more details on short breaks providers please visit our local family services directory and search for “short breaks”

You can contact short break providers directly for their costs for short breaks activities using the details provided on the family services directory.