Payments to foster carers


Overpayments to foster carers are a source of major concern and difficulty.

If you wish to avoid overpayments, you must speak to your supervising social worker (SSW). We will cease making payments on the day a child leaves so that the final amount may be a part week at the daily rate.

Please ensure that you check your remittance advice each week to be aware of overpayments.

Overpayments will routinely be reclaimed in full, immediately from:

  • other existing allowances or
  • future payments

Where there is a delay in taking a further placement, you are expected to return the overpayment promptly. Payment can be by cheque made payable to us and sent to:

Lincolnshire County Council
County Offices

Or by BACS:

Sort Code: 20-50-39
Account: 63509095 Lincolnshire County Council GB97 BARC 2050 3963 5090 95

Please also quote the name of the child it is in reference to and your vendor or supplier number.

You should contact your SSW in the first instance if:

  • a child is placed with you, and you have received no payments within two weeks
  • you have any queries about the amount received