Our offer to care leavers

Where to live

There are many choices you could make about where to live. Your leaving care worker will work with you and your accomodation provider to support you.

Options available to you

If you are under 18, we must pay for your housing and make sure it is suitable. 

A move to independent living can be a big step so we can give you options, such as:

  • returning home for a short time
  • remaining with a foster carer
  • moving to supported lodgings
  • a supported living option

Once you are over 18 you are responsible for paying for your housing. However, we will support you:

  • if you remain in higher education, we will pay for accommodation during holidays
  • we will maintain a plan of support with you and make sure  accommodation and your housing is a priority
  • if you get into difficulty we will support you in negotiating agreements with housing providers to keep your accommodation and agree a positive way forward
  • if you cannot afford the difference (rent gap) between rent and your earnings, you can apply for rent gap funding from the leaving care service to support you

We will help fund all former relevent care leavers set up home. You can access this up to the age of 25. Discuss this with the leaving care service.

Living in supported lodgings:

Supported lodgings gives you the chance to live in a home with a supportive adult or family. You can do this from age 16 to 21. They should:

  • have great communication skills
  • offer a safe and friendly environment
  • be able to relate to you
  • be supportive of your needs
  • be open-minded and approachable
  • provide an individual room and use of shared facilities along with a house key
  • involve you in day-to-day tasks

Staying with your foster parents:

A staying put arrangement is not the same as a foster placement. It is where you can remain with your former foster carers after your 18 birthday. You can stay until you are 21. 
We will discuss staying put as an option. We will expect you to:

  • be in education, employment or training
  • contribute towards your living costs
  • pay for your clothes, travel costs and spending money
  • create a living together agreement, saying what is expected from both of you
  • have to have a DBS check, if your former foster carer is looking after other children in the same household
  • claim any benefits you are entitled to

Whatever you decide, your leaving care worker can provide support with:

  • becoming a high-priority applicant on housing waiting lists
  • advice about tenancy, budgeting and avoiding rent arrears
  • helping you to claim the benefits you are entitled to
  • moving into and furnishing your home
  • having nowhere to live
  • setting up your utility bills, such as installing key card meters

NEST accommodation

We commission Nacro Education Support and Transition (NEST) to provide accommodation for homeless young people aged 16 and 17 year olds and care leavers up to 21. 

They operate across the seven district councils in Lincolnshire and supports young people and single parents.

The team will create support package with you to provide options and opportunities.

There are different types of accommodation available, such as:

  • shared flats
  • shared houses
  • individual self-contained flats

When the time comes we will support you to move on to your next home.

Shared lives

The shared lives scheme is sometimes known as adult placement. It enables you to stay with a family you have been matched with to help you:

  • find independence
  • learn skills to live independently
  • enjoy life as part of a family and make new friends
  • join in with the family’s community
  • have a safe place to help you get ready to move into your own home

Shared lives carers are ordinary people who have been trained and DBS checked.  Shared lives can be accessed from 16 years old.

Find out about shared lives schemes or visit the adult supporting adults website