Make a complaint

Before you make a complaint

Compliments and complaints can help us improve the services we provide.

Before you make a complaint, please contact our services about your concerns first. You can also raise them with your county councillor.

If you are not satisfied with the response, fill in our complaints form. We will do our best to investigate your concerns.

If your concern is about a County Councillor please follow the guidance on making a Members' Code of Conduct complaint.

The form is not to be used to:

Make a complaint

Annual reports

To find out how we handle complaints and try to improve, read our Corporate and Statutory Complaints Annual Report.

Corporate complaints

A corporate complaint is about a council action, decision or service for which we do not have to follow a formal legal process.

The following form is not to be used to:

Make a complaint

You must give us:

  • your name
  • a contact address or email
  • a contact phone number
  • a detailed description of your complaint

When you will get a response

You will receive acknowledgement of your complaint within one working day.

You should get a response within 15 working days. We will tell you if we need more time.

If you are not satisfied with the response, you can ask for the decision to be reviewed by a senior council officer. You should receive a further reply within 20 working days.

If you are still not satisfied, you can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman.

For advice, read our complaints policy.

Customer Relations

The quickest way to resolve your complaint is to complete our online contact form.

However, if you would like to speak to one of our Customer Relations advisers, you can call us on 01522 843322 as long as it is not a general enquiry or update request for one of the following areas:

Statutory complaints

A statutory complaint involves issues where we must follow a formal legal process, such as social care and safeguarding.

The following form is not to be used to:

Make a complaint

You must give us:

  • your name
  • a contact address or email
  • a contact phone number
  • a detailed description of your complaint

When you will get a response (for children’s services)

You will receive acknowledgement of your complaint within one working day. You should get a response within 15 working days. We will tell you if we need more time.

If you are not satisfied with the response, you can ask for an independent investigation.

You should receive a further reply within 25 working days. We will tell you if we need more time. Complex issues can take up to three months.

If you are still not satisfied, you can request an independent panel to review how your complaint has been handled.

If your complaint is about a service regulated by Ofsted, you can complain directly to it.

When you will get a response (for adult care and well-being services)

You will receive acknowledgement of your complaint within two working days. You should get a response within 15 working days. We will tell you if we need more time.

If you are not satisfied with the response, you can ask for an independent investigation.

You should receive a further reply within 20 working days.

If you are still not satisfied, you can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman.

Customer Relations

The quickest way to resolve your complaint is to complete our online contact form.

However, if you would like to speak to one of our Customer Relations advisers, you can call us on 01522 843322 as long as it is not a general enquiry or update request for one of the following areas:

Make a Members' Code of Conduct complaint

Councillors Code of Conduct

Councillors are subject to a Code of Conduct which governs their behaviour when carrying out official duties. This Code forms part of our Constitution.

The Code of Conduct covers matters such as:

  • declarations of interest
  • treating others with respect
  • not bringing the Council into disrepute

How to complain if the Code is breached

If you have concerns about the conduct of a County Councillor and you think they have breached the Code, you are entitled to make a complaint. Please note that complaints against a County Councillor in their role as a District, Parish or Town Councillor should be directed to the relevant District Council.

Complaints should be submitted in writing using the form below:
(We are aware this form does not meet accessibility standards and are working to fix this.  If you are unable to use this form please contact us using the details below).

Code of Conduct complaint form

You can return completed forms to:

Monitoring Officer
Lincolnshire County Council
County Offices
Lincoln LN1 1YL

or by email:

The complainant should clearly identify the breaches of the Code alleged against the Councillor.

The complaint cannot be about a Council decision or service delivery issue.

We have a detailed guidance document to assist you.

How complaints are handled

Complaints are assessed by the Monitoring Officer who is responsible for deciding how each complaint is dealt with.

The Monitoring Officer will decide, following consultation with an independent person:

  • if the complaint is within the jurisdiction of the Code and if there should be an investigation, or
  • if other action should be taken to address the complaint or the conduct of the Member, or
  • if no further action is to be taken

If a complaint is investigated it may lead to a Hearing and a sanction against the Councillor concerned.

View Councillors’ Register of Interests forms

The register of interests’ form submitted by each Councillor can be found on their individual information pages.

Councillor training on the Code of Conduct

The Monitoring Officer delivers regular training on code of conduct matters to elected Members.