Submit a petition

We welcome petitions as they are one way in you can let us know your concerns.

Anyone who lives, works or studies in Lincolnshire can organise or sign a petition. Petitions are dealt with in accordance with our petitions scheme.

All petitions to the council are taken seriously and will be acknowledged within 10 working days. 

Petitions can be submitted:

Petitions submitted by email must be scanned in full as an exact replica of the original copy and will be treated as a paper copy.

Submit a petition

Before submitting a petition, you should consider whether this is the right course of action and understand what you need to include. Our Petition scheme sets out how petitions should be presented to us and how the we will deal with them.

To help you gather support in the correct format, use our:

For support in submitting a petition, or for further details on all petitions received in the last 6 years, please contact Democratic Services on or by calling 01522 552334.

Contact democratic services

Telephone: 01522 552840