Information handling policy

Information classification

We have adopted a single classification which recognises that all information has value.

The principles of the classification are drawn from the Government classification of OFFICIAL.

The single classification includes a wide range of information of differing value and sensitivity which we need to protect.  The classification also recognises the need to operate within a legal framework.

Adopting a single classification with common key principles and controls which are understood, achievable, and based on commercial good practice supports the delivery of services in a multi-agency environment.  Such an environment can present challenges because of a multitude of organisation specific schemes requiring handling conditions not fully understood by all parties.

Categories of sensitive information

While we have adopted a single classification some categories of information will attract additional safeguards because of its level of sensitivity.

You must take particular care when processing this type of information ensuring that it is subject to enhanced controls.  Such information includes:

  • personal data and data defined as special categories of personal data
  • information that if compromised, amended, or made unavailable, would cause a negative impact on reputation, service delivery, finance, or people

You must consider the nature and context of the information you are working with.  You must exercise good judgement to ensure that you always process our information appropriately.