Records and information management policy

Managing records and information

Managing records

Records will be subject to the record and information lifecycle.

Records will be created, used, maintained, and retained to provide information about and evidence of our transactions and activities.

Appropriate systems must be in place to document decisions and activities. Records must have the following characteristics:

  • authentic – it is what it claims to be
  • reliable – full and accurate record of the transaction or activity.  Created close to the time of the transaction or activity
  • integrity – is complete and unaltered, and protected against unauthorised alteration. Alterations after creation can identify the individual making the changes
  • useable – can be located, retrieved, presented, and interpreted. Context can be established through links to other records in the transaction or activity. If in a digital format access should be maintained when moving to newer platforms

Digital records must be stored in an official record keeping system.

Hard copy records must be stored in off-site storage when they are not active.

Records must be maintained and stored in such a way that they can be easily identified and located to support business activities.

Records must be disposed of in accordance with agreed retention schedules.

Retention schedules will set out the minimum period for which a record should be retained.  Retention schedules will be reviewed regularly and amended as necessary.

Retention schedules will be agreed by the information asset owner for the relevant service function.

Records will be stored and destroyed in a manner commensurate with the sensitivity of the record or information.

Destruction of records must be recorded in the central destruction register.

Managing business value information

Business value information will be subject to the record and information lifecycle.

Business value information must be maintained and stored in such a way that it can be easily identified and located to support business activities.

It must be stored and destroyed in a manner commensurate with the sensitivity of the information.

Hard copy business value information should be sent to off-site storage with the records they support with retention applied.

Business value information should be reviewed regularly and destroyed when no longer required.

Managing non-business value information

Non-business value information should be reviewed regularly and destroyed when no longer required.

It must be stored and destroyed in a manner commensurate with the sensitivity of the information.