Stronger communities: Lincolnshire's community strategy

Foreword from Councillor Sue Woolley

The communities of Lincolnshire, like those across the rest of the world continue to go through a period of unprecedented change. The value, role and impact of strong communities has been seen like never before as we've faced the impact of a global pandemic and worked across sectors and boundaries to ensure those in the greatest need receive the help and support that they require.

This strategy seeks to build on the work that has taken place over the last few years and places a renewed focus on our communities and how we as a local authority can best work with them. We've set out a number of themes and objectives, each designed to pull together and enhance the amazing work that is already going on in our communities and explore opportunities to achieve even more. Only by working with our communities and their representative groups will we be able to achieve the mission set out in our Corporate Plan to enable everyone to enjoy life to the full.

This strategy sees us establishing improved ways of being able to engage with and listen to our communities. We want to find out more about their needs and how we can work together to make Lincolnshire a place where everyone can prosper. Lincolnshire is the fourth largest county in the UK. Its communities are increasingly diverse and we know that one size will not fit all. Understanding community needs better will help us all to shape our service provision and target our joint efforts.

Lincolnshire has got a lot to be proud of, whether it's the high quality educational offer, our outstanding natural environment or the innovation and strong partnership working that sees the delivery of high quality services. It's right that we celebrate these things, but we must also spend time working together to do even better in the future. That doesn't just mean that we will consult about our services. It means we'll actively engage with our communities through two-way meaningful dialogue. That's why this strategy also sees us investing in our staff and the tools that they will use to inform the decisions that we make and how we go about delivering our services.

I look forward to working with our communities to deliver the aspirations of this strategy and to help Lincolnshire to thrive.

Cllr Sue Woolley

Executive Councillor – NHS Liaison and Community Engagement