Speak out, stay safe assemblies and workshops, key stage 1 (KS1) and key stage 2 (KS2) - Stay Safe Partnership

Speak out programme

Assemblies for key stage 1 and 2 (KS1 and 2) and workshop for year 5 and 6 children, helping them understand, recognise and know where they can get support from all forms of abuse. This training can be used as evidence towards helping you achieve SMSC.


The three objectives of the ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ programme are:

  • to ensure children have an understanding of abuse in all its forms, including bullying, and an ability to recognise the signs of abuse
  • to ensure children know how to protect themselves from all forms of abuse
  • to make children aware of how to get help and sources of help, including Childline
Service Description

'Speak out, stay safe' is a safeguarding programme for children aged 5 to 11. It is available to all primary schools in the UK and Channel Islands and is an effective way to support school's safeguarding duties. 

  • virtual pre-recorded assemblies for children aged 5 to 7, and 7 to 11, available in English and BSL – delivered by teachers to their classes
  • follow-on lesson plans with engaging activities and resources to help re-enforce and embed our key messages. We will encourage schools to complete the lesson plan prior to the face-to-face workshops so that all children in all age ranges will be able to engage and learn about speaking out
  • Face-to-face workshops for children aged 6 to 7, and 9 to 11 delivered by NSPCC volunteers (schools can talk to us about availability which is limited in some areas)  

An NSPCC schools co-ordinator who can answer any questions they have about the programme and update schools about other NSPCC support, resources, and training on offer.




Assemblies available – pre-recorded online streamable.

Year 5 and 6 workshops available where we have capacity following the school staff delivering the assemblies.


Easy way for school to show their commitment to PSHE or SMSC and British Values.



Schools are encouraged to take part in fund raising activities for the NSPCC but this is not mandatory.

Contact and how to book