Lincoln Castle Academy - Find a school

Age range
11 to 18
Mr R Hanson

Riseholme Road

01522 529203 Fax: 01522 504007
School email address
School website
Church school
Total number 11 to 16
Total number 16 to 18
Admission authority
Academy trust
Published admission number
2023 and 2024 oversubscription criteria

Where the number of applications is more than the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit.

  1. Looked after and previously looked after children.
  2. There is a sibling who will still be attending the Academy when the child is due to start.
  3. Whether the child lives in the designated area for free transport.
  4. Whether this is the nearest school to the home address by straight line distance.
  5. Straight line distance from home to the school, priority given to those who live closest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

See the school’s full admissions policy for more information.

Sixth form published admission number
Sixth form entry requirements
Dates for applications for entry to Year 12, and acceptances and refusals, will be published in the Academy’s sixth form prospectus.
Lincoln Castle Academy will publish specific criteria in relation to minimum entrance requirements for the range of courses available based upon GCSE grades or other measures of prior attainment. Academic entry criteria for sixth form are the same for both external and internal places.
It is hoped and anticipated that the vast majority of students who embark on a two-year course will reach a successful completion after two years.
However, if a student decides, or is advised, to re-take one subject within their A Level course, that will be conditional on places being available in the subject once the demand from the incoming Year 12 group has been met. Similarly, if a student wishes to take an additional AS level subject whilst in 7 the second year of the A Level course, this will also be subject to places being available as above, as well as timetable constraints.
Students will only be admitted to the Sixth Form if they can demonstrate their suitability for Sixth Form Education in subjects, which the Academy can efficiently and effectively provide within the curriculum for the Sixth Form
Sixth form oversubscription criteria

Dates for applications for entry to Year 12, and acceptances and refusals, will be published in the  Academy’s sixth form prospectus.

Lincoln Castle Academy will publish specific criteria in relation to minimum entrance requirements for the range of courses available based upon GCSE grades or other measures of prior attainment. 

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Department for Education Number