Lincoln University Technical College - Find a school

Age range
14 to 19
Mr J Morrison

Greestone House
Lindum Road

01522 775990
School email address
School website
Church school
Total number 11 to 16
237 (ages 14 to 16 only)
Total number 16 to 18
128 (ages 16 to 19 only)
Science and Engineering
Admission authority
Governing body
Published admission number
2023 and 2024 oversubscription criteria

The number of pupils that Lincoln UTC will admit from each nodal area is described in the full policy. In the event that applications from an individual nodal area exceeds the number of spaces allocated to that nodal area the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below:

  1. Applicants who are, or who have previously been, in public care.
  2. Applicants whose siblings already attend the UTC and continue to do so on the date of admission.
  3. Applicants whose parent or carers are employed directly by the UTC. This is an incentive measure to ensure the recruitment and retention of high-quality staff.

Tie-Breaker – Independently verified random allocation will be used as a tie breaker to decide which applicant is progressed if two or more applicants cannot be otherwise separated.

Sixth form published admission number
Sixth form entry requirements

Lincoln UTC will apply the same academic entry requirements to external applications as it does to year 11 learners already on roll in the UTC. Entry requirements for individual courses are detailed on the LUTC website.

Sixth form oversubscription criteria

All applicants with statements of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plans where the UTC is named on the statement who meet the minimum academic entry requirements will be admitted.

Lincoln UTC will consider all applications for places and, where there are fewer than the Published Admission Number for Year 12, an offer of a place will be made to all applicants who meet the minimum academic entry requirements.

When there are more external applicants who satisfy minimum entry requirements than there are places, priority will be given as follows:

  1. Priority will be given to applicants who meet the minimum academic entry requirements and who are, or who have previously been, in public care. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order.
  2. Other students

Lincoln UTC reserves the right to offer entry to students based on their individual merits, providing it has capacity to deliver an appropriate range of courses.

For external applicants meeting the minimum academic entry requirements, if a tiebreak is necessary to determine who is admitted, Lincoln UTC will apply a random allocation process which will be independently overseen.

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