Stickney William Lovell C of E Academy - Find a school

Secondary Modern
Age range
11 to 16
Mr S Hutton

Main Road
PE22 8AA

01205 480352 Fax: 01205 480398
School email address
School website
Church school
Total number 11 to 16
Admission authority
Academy trust
Published admission number
2023 and 2024 oversubscription criteria

Where the number of applications is more than the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit.

  1. The child is in the care of the local authority (LAC), or has previously been in care (PLAC), or internationally previously adopted looked after children (IAPLAC).
  2. A brother or sister at the school who will still be attending when the child is due to start.
  3. Children who meet the religious criteria given below.
  4. Straight line distance from the home to the school, priority given to those living nearest.

If distance is not sufficient to distinguish between applicants for the last place then a lottery will be conducted.

For entry into William Lovell Church of England Academy, priority may be given to children whose parents are regular worshipping members of the Church of England. In this case, the Governing Body will need written supporting evidence from the relevant clergy. Guidance from the Diocesan Board of Education indicates that regular worship means that you attend church at least once per month for at least a year before making your application. If you have only recently moved to the area, the academy can also consider written evidence of an equivalent commitment to a place of worship at your previous address, provided you have started to worship in the area you have moved to. In the event that during the period specified for attendance at worship the church has been closed for public worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship, the requirements of these arrangements in relation to attendance will only apply to the period when the church or alternative premises have been available for public worship.

See the school’s full admissions policy for more information.

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Department for Education Number