Bailgate, Lincoln - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing with regard to the condition of the road through the Bail in Lincoln. Some time ago it was resurfaced with the old cobbles been replaced with Stone "tiles" the process was lengthy and disruptive. At the moment the surface is pitted with tarmac infills, temporary repairs, cracked tiles and uneven dipping surfaces particularly near drains etc.

Please see below questions regarding this:

  1. Is the council satisfied with the state of the road?
  2. Is the council satisfied with the quality of the work done?
  3. Is the council satisfied with the sustainability of the materials used?
  4. What was the cost of the initial work, including time and materials?
  5. Have there been subsequent larger scale repairs and what was the time scale from the initial work?
  6. Is the council in contact with the contractor regarding the work?
  7. Please provide the name and a contact number of someone who deals with these issues

In accordance with Section 1(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, you are advised that Lincolnshire County Council does hold information that falls within the description specified in your request.




  1. The road is in a safe condition; however we are aware that there are signs of movement in the most heavily trafficked areas.


  1. The works were approved on completion and any defects were rectified within the standard defects period. All roads are subject to deterioration and require future maintenance after completion.


  1. Lincolnshire County Council does not have any concerns regarding the sustainability of the Scoutmoor Setts which are quarried in the British Isles.


  1. The cost of the work was £1,181,419.12 including time, materials and all associated costs.


  1. A section of paving with an area of 80m² was repaired in 2016, this was 6 years after the works were completed.  The initial works started in January 2010 and were completed in July 2010.
  2. The works were completed satisfactorily in 2010 and once the defects period passed there was no reason to stay in contact with the contractor.
  3. The Local Highways Manager is Mike Reed who deals with the maintenance of the Highways and he can be contacted on 01522 782070
Reference number
Date request received
19 June 2019
Date of decision
22 July 2019