Diversity Recruitment in the Fire Service - Find a freedom of information request

  1. What would be your strategy to develop BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) recruitment to improve the image of the Fire Service?
  2. How does your fire service recruit female fire-fighters, do you have a target to be achieved?
  3. Do you have suitable toilet/hygiene/changing facilities for female fire-fighters on all your stations?  If not do you have a strategy to accommodate females, and if so what might that be?
  4. Will using section 159 of the Equality at Work Act 2010 for treating employees of a protected characteristic more favourably, result to benefit women and BAME recruitment?
  5. London Fire Brigade recently launched their Firefighting Sexism campaign to eliminate gender exclusive language in the workplace. Would your service consider adopting a similar policy to eliminate discriminative language?
  6. If you use social media to advertise recruitment, has this encouraged more women and BAME to apply, influencing a positive image?


  1. Whilst Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue (LFR) do not have a recorded strategy, we have a commitment to encourage candidates from all backgrounds to join the service and run awareness sessions and positive action days to encourage applications from all areas of our community. 
  2. LFR does not have a specific target that needs to be achieved. We recruit both male and female firefighters based on their merit and suitability for the role.
  3. LFR have carried out a condition survey of all of our fire stations and identified any which require additional investment to bring up to necessary standard.
  4. LFR does not hold recorded information.
  5. LFR does not hold recorded information.
  6. LFR does not hold recorded information – there is some evidence that social media does widen our sphere of applications but not statistically recorded.
Reference number
Date request received
11 March 2020
Date of decision
23 March 2020