Changes to day services for adults with a learning disability - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to request the following information in relation to day services for adults with a learning disability in your local authority:

1. How many adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability were known to social services in: a. 2014/2015

b. 2015/2016

c. 2016/2017

d. 2017/2018

e. 2018/2019

2. How many adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability attended day activities in 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018 and 2018/2019:

a. Five days a week or more

b. Four days a week

c. Three days a week

d. Two days a week

e. One day a week

f. Zero days a week?  

3. How many day centre places and equivalent day service places for adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability were funded by the local authority in the following financial years: a. 2014/2015

b. 2015/2016

c. 2016/2017

d. 2017/2018

e. 2018/2019

f. How many do you expect will be funded in 2019/2020?

4. If there have been day service closures within the local authority, have any alternative services been put in place for those who attended the day centre; i.e. new learning disability-specific community activities or transport to/from suitable existing day activities?

5. Have charges for any of the following services increased since 1st April 2014: a. Day centre attendance

b. Transport to and from day activities

c. Any related activities;

d. If so by how much in each financial year?


1. How many adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability were known to social services in:

a. 2014/2015: 1500

b. 2015/2016: 1560

c. 2016/2017: 1670

d. 2017/2018: 1765

e. 2018/2019: 1830

2. How many adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability attended day activities in.

a. 2014/15: 194

b. 2015/16: 204

c. 2016/17: 212

d. 2017/18: 316

e. 2018/19: 338

These are totals for the number of Learning Disability clients aged 18-64 who received Daycare services in each year. Unfortunately, we are not able to split these figures further into the number of days received as requested. It is also worth noting that these figures do not include any clients who used a Direct Payment to purchase Daycare services, so the actual numbers may be higher than these quoted figures.

3. How many day centre places and equivalent day service places for adults aged 18-65 with a learning disability were funded by the local authority in the following financial years:

a. 2014/2015: 269

b. 2015/2016: 244

c. 2016/2017: 243

d. 2017/2018: 244

e. 2018/2019: 193

f. How many do you expect will be funded in 2019/2020: 206

4. If there have been day service closures within the local authority, have any alternative services been put in place for those who attended the day centre; i.e. new learning disability-specific community activities or transport to/from suitable existing day activities?

In 2013 there was a consolidation of buildings where in house day services were delivered e.g. where there were three bases in one town we changed to use just one building and made the appropriate adjustments to support this change. Individuals were offered the option to remain with the in house service at the alternative location or they could request an alternative provision was commissioned or take their personal budget as a direct payment to purchase their own day care. Individuals made their own choice on this and there was a mix of what they decided to do with the outcome being that there was no reduction in service for anyone.

5. Have charges for any of the following services increased since 1st April 2014:

a. Day centre attendance

b. Transport to and from day activities

c. Any related activities;

d. If so by how much in each financial year?

With regards to the financial assessment process, every April the assessed charge is reviewed and amended in accordance with the Pension/Benefit changes; this differs on an individual basis.

Reference number
Date request received
Date of decision