Young People in Supported Lodgings - Find a freedom of information request


Please would you send across:

1. The number of young people (aged 16-18) your council currently has placed in a supported lodgings placement. (By supported lodgings, we mean where a young person lives with a host family who provide support to them).

a.Please specify how many of these young people are classified as looked after.

b.Please specify how many of these young people are Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking children.

c.The name / brand of the supported lodgings scheme, whether provided internally or commissioned externally.

d.If the supported lodgings scheme is provided by a third party:

e.Please provide the assessment framework used by the external party to assess prospective supported lodgings hosts. (By this we mean the families whose home a young person would live in).

f. Please provide an estimated cost per placement.

g.Please outline the financial reimbursement provided to host families through this third-party scheme.

h.Please include the name of the organisation providing this service.

2. If the supported lodgings scheme is provided internally:

a.Please include the assessment framework for assessing prospective supported lodgings hosts. (By this we mean the families whose home a young person would live in).

b.Please provide an estimated cost per placement.

c.Please outline the financial reimbursement provided to host families.

3. Please provide the main contact person for supported lodgings within your council.


1. 21.

a. Three.

b. Zero.

c. Lincolnshire Leaving Care Service Supported Lodgings Scheme (SLP).

d. Yes. Barnardos.

e. Barnardos support framework.

f. The average cost per week is £235 with some additional costs that are incurred when the assessment of the SLP is being undertaken i.e. mains service safety tests, workers time and travelling expenses.

g. As outlined in question f.

h. Barnardos.

2. Not Applicable.

3. Andrew Morris.

Reference number
Date request received
27 October 2020
Date of decision
27 November 2020