LED Street Lighting - Find a freedom of information request


1. When did the installation of the new LEDs begin in Lincolnshire and when was it fully

2. How many street lights in total does Lincolnshire have and did this number increase or
decrease due to LED installation?

3. What correlated colour temperature are the LEDs?

4. What types of lamps did the LEDs replace?


1. LED street lights began being introduced by Lincolnshire County Council in 2012. A street lighting transformation project took place between April 2016 and April 2017 which included a bulk installation of LED's. Lincolnshire County Council is currently exchanging all of its Low Pressure Sodium (SOX) street lights to LED, and street lighting maintenance works now almost always include LED's. Work by Lincolnshire County Council to convert all remaining conventional street lights to LED is still on going and is not yet fully completed.

2. Lincolnshire County Council currently has 67,101 street lights, and this number has neither
increased nor decreased specifically due to LED installation.

3. Some of the first LED's installed by Lincolnshire County Council are Cool White 5,600K; but
now LED street lights installed on traffic routes are Neutral White 4,000K, and LED street
lights installed in residential areas and on footpaths are Warm White 3,000K.

4. LED's installed by Lincolnshire County Council have replaced conventional light sources
including Low Pressure Sodium (SOX), High pressure Sodium (SON), High pressure mercury
(MBFU), Ceramic Metal Halide (CDM & CDO), and CosmoPolis (CPO).

Reference number
Date request received
12 June 2020
Date of decision
22 June 2020