Waking Watch Fire Wardens - Find a freedom of information request


1. The number of residential buildings in your authority area where a permanent ‘waking watch’ (fire wardens) are in place due to fire safety concerns.


2. The number of these where the reason for the waking watch relates to concerns about the cladding/external façade of the building.


3. The length of time these waking watches have been in place.


4. If available, the number of fires attended at these buildings since 2017.


5. Incident reports (IRS reports) of these fires.


1. Lincolnshire County Council is not aware of any residential buildings that have a permanent ‘waking watch’ in place due to fire safety issues being highlighted. As the remaining questions rely on a walking watch being in place due to these issues, Lincolnshire County Council are unable to answer questions two through five.

Reference number
Date request received
18 February 2020
Date of decision
24 February 2020