School Absence due to Long-Term Health Conditions - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please can you tell me how many children of school age (5-16) in Lincolnshire are not going to school due to a long term health need, such as cancer or mental health illness? Or to phrase it differently, in the period of 2018 - 2019, how many children covered by the Lincolnshire County Council have a health condition that means that they could not attend school full-time?


2. Can you also tell me how many children of school age (5-16) will be shielding due to their long term illness or their vulnerability to COVID-19, come September 2020, when schools reopen for the new term?


1. 144


2. None, as shielding finishes on 1st August 2020 unless the government extend this. After this it will become the parent’s choice as to isolate their children, but this would not be classed as shielding if this recommendation has stopped.

Reference number
Date request received
13 July 2020
Date of decision
28 July 2020