Inpatient Alcohol and Substance Detoxification Beds - Find a freedom of information request


1. In each of the financial years 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21 (to date):

a. How many inpatient alcohol and substance detoxification beds have been commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council? Please provide a monthly analysis of the availability of these beds and which organisations were commissioned to provide them.

b. How many inpatient alcohol and substance detoxification beds have been commissioned in conjunction with another Local Authority for shared use? Please provide the names of each Local Authority that the beds are commissioned in
conjunction with as to provide a true reflection of the number of beds available in Lincolnshire County Council.


2. Please also provide the budgeted spend per year and actual spend per year on these facilities and the total number of individuals treated using these facilities during each of the above financial years.



a. Lincolnshire County Council commission a comprehensive substance misuse service that includes the spot purchasing of residential rehabilitation places through the contractor 'We Are With You' The provider has an outcome focussed specification that does not stipulate numbers for residential rehabilitation placements but expects the provider to facilitate this if it is deemed the best course of action for any given client. No dedicated places are commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council or its substance misuse provider. The response to this question is zero for each month and year requested


b. As question 1a, no residential rehabilitation places are commissioned in conjunction with another local authority.



2. The substance misuse treatment budget for 2019/20 was £5,009,652 this includes adult and young person's treatment for drugs and alcohol as well as needle syringe programmes, detoxification and residential rehabilitation placements. Any residential rehabilitation placement is based on need not a fixed budget and is at the providers discretion based on clinical requirements for each client. The council do not monitor numbers for this provision but outcomes across the service which residential placements are a part of, so spend is not known by the council.

Reference number
Date request received
16 June 2020
Date of decision
24 June 2020