LAC and SEND Students in Lincolnshire - Find a freedom of information request


1. I am writing with respect to our concerns regarding the pressure being brought to bear on staff and students at John Spendluffe Technology College, Alford as a result of the process for allocating resources and appropriate educational settings for SEND students and Looked After Children. I would indicate that as a school we are disproportionately impacted by the number of SEND students and LAC.

I would therefore like to make such a request so that we are able to assess our level of pressure against that experienced by other schools in the area, with a clear understanding of how our figures compare.



1. This is based on the number of pupils in year groups Reception to Year 11 attending a Lincolnshire School. The figures do not include any other potential LAC pupils from other LA's that could be in attendance at these schools.


School Location

Total Count

Donington School


Lincoln School


Sleaford School


Alford School


Grantham School


Horncastle School


Gainsborough School


Market Rasen School


Louth School


Branston School


Spalding School


Lincoln School



As of the May 2019 school census data the SEND comparative data for the East Lindsey area and John Spendluffe College is as follows:


John Spendluffe College

EHCPs 3.55%

SEN Support 18.58%


EHCPs in the area

The highest percentage of EHCPs in the area is at 3.85% - the lowest at 0.12% - with a 1.86% average in the area.


SEN Support in the area

The highest percentage of SEN Support in the area is at 23% - the lowest at 2.79%  - with a 12.92% average in the area.



Reference number
Date request received
04 December 2019
Date of decision
20 December 2019