Unregistered/Unregulated Social Care Placements 2017-2019 - Find a freedom of information request


1. For  years 2017, 2018, 2019 to date, the following information:-

Unregistered/Unregulated social care placements made for young people under 16.

These available from existing data:-

a. The total number of unregistered/unregulated placements made for young people under 16.

b. The total number of all fostering placements made.

c. The total number of all placements made to children's homes.

d. The total costs of the placements made into unregistered and unregulated placements.

e. The total costs of all fostering placements.

f. The total costs of all children's homes placements.

g. The range of weekly costs for these unregistered/unregulated placements.

h. The actual weekly costs per placement at point of placement.

i. Would any of these young people require care described in the table Annex A of Ofsted publication Introduction to children's homes? Yes/No.

j. Has your LA commissioned new specific provision for this group of young people or is it reliant on existing provision?


a. 2016-17 – 0
2017-18 – 0

2018-19 – 2  






d. 2016-16 – 0

2017-18 – 0

2018-19 - £51,600






g. 2016-17 – 0

2017-18 – 0

2018-19 – £8,400 (one cost only)


h. 2016-17 – 0

2017-18 – 0

2018-19 - £8,400


i. No. Annex A of Ofsted's 'Introduction to Children's Homes' is in reference to young people age 16 and above.


j. The Authority continually reviews its offer to see how to best meet the needs of young people in care.


Reference number
Date request received
16 August 2019
Date of decision
20 September 2019