Winter Maintenance Services Suppliers - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please can you tell us the name and address of each of your current suppliers engaged in the supply of winter maintenance kit and/or services under your local authority and any new provider(s) due to take over at the end of your current contract(s). For example you have recently engaged Aebi Schmidt in the provision of gritting vehicles.

It is a matter of fact that all local authorities are compelled by the Local Authority Transparency Code to maintain a publicly available list of their contractors and this is called a “contracts register.” It contains the names of companies and consortia with their addresses, and details of the goods and services provided under contract/tender.


2. Please can you provide us with a complete and accurate and up to date copy of your contracts register?


3. In the spirit of the Transparency Code, please can you highlight for us the contracts which have a winter maintenance element with snow ploughing and gritting involving either or both equipment and/or services provision. (Send a link to the contract register.)


4. Please can you inform us whether you make additional discretionary purchases (without the need for tender) for the supply and provision of winter maintenance kit for snow ploughing and gritting. Do you have a budget for discretionary purchases?

a) Will you be using this method of procurement this year and how can we find out about it?


1. Aebi Schmidt supplied 4 gritters in 2019. Aebi Schmidt (Southgate Way, Peterborough PE2 6GP):

Older vehicles leased – including maintenance - through an old agreement, now with Go-Plant (Jarvis House, 157 Sadler Road, Lincoln, England, LN6 3RS).

Procurement for further winter maintenance vehicles and maintenance in the near future.


2. Link to the contracts register:

Please see link above for the contract for the provision of the latest winter maintenance vehicles


3. Highways Works Term contract – which contains certain provisions for gritting and the management of the winter maintenance fleet:


4. No discretionary budget.

a) Some gritting services are purchased through the Highways Works Term Contract linked above.

Reference number
Date request received
19 July 2019
Date of decision
29 July 2019