Fire and Rescue Exercise Equipment - Find a freedom of information request


1. Regarding exercise equipment/time provided to Wholetime and Retained duty crew within Lincolnshire Fire + Rescue:

a. Are Firefighters in the Wholetime and Retained system expected to keep fit and pass an annual fitness test?

b. What equipment for the use of exercise is provided to Wholetime stations?

c. Do Wholetime crews (including officers) get paid time to exercise? (If no, why is equipment provided)

d. Who maintains the equipment?

e. Regarding Lincoln South station

  • Who paid for the gym equipment?
  • Who paid for the television screens?

f. In total, how many hours in the last year (18/19) where given to Wholetime crews for the use of exercise? This can be an estimate.

g. What exercise equipment is provided to Retained crews/stations?

h. How much time are the retained crew allowed for exercise?

i. Is there a difference between what is provided/what time is allowed and paid for between the Wholetime and the Retained systems in spite of the Part Time Workers Regulations?

j. If the Wholetime systems are allowed exercise time or to exercise within work time, is this included within the Wholetime budget?

k. What budget is allocated for the Retained duty systems to exercise?


1. Regarding exercise equipment/time provided to Wholetime and Retained duty crew within Lincolnshire Fire + Rescue:

a. Yes

b. Equipment for both aerobic and anaerobic activity

c. There is a part of the day that can be allocated to exercise exigencies of the service permitting

d. Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue via recognised companies

e. Current equipment was transferred to the new building

  • Current equipment was transferred to the new building; some equipment may also be transferred from West Parade Police station on its closure.
  • There is currently 1 TV that was purchased via the Blue Light Project; an additional TV may also be transferred from West Parade Police station on its closure.

f. This is not a recorded activity; please see the response to question C.

g. Current nil provision, equipment for all stations is currently under procurement

h. There is no specific allocation of time during a training evening

i. Non-comparable duty systems.

j. There is no allocation of funding for Wholetime exercise

k. None allocated for exercise in relation to physical fitness

Reference number
Date request received
11 November 2019
Date of decision
12 December 2019