Disposal of commercial waste charges - Find a freedom of information request


1. What was the total amount of money raised from non-household waste/commercial waste/DIY waste charges at rubbish dumps and recycling centres in 2019/20?

2. Is VAT added as part of these charges or in addition to these charges?

3. What was the total amount of VAT raised from these charges 2019/20?

4. What was the total amount of VAT raised from non-household or household waste recycling or disposal in the last five years?

5. Which year and month did you start adding VAT to charges?

6. Do you charge for any other waste disposal? If so, how much money was raised from these charges in 2019/20?


1. The total charges made for the disposal of commercial waste in the financial year 2019/2020 can be found by contacting the district councils

2-6. n/a

Reference number
Date request received
17 November 2020
Date of decision
26 November 2020