Waste PFI Contracts - Find a freedom of information request


1. I am interested in any PFI contracts you may have signed that would result in some degree of waste being disposed of through incinerators. Please could you send me a copy any contracts that meet this description that are currently binding on you as a public body. (I am not interested in any historical contracts that have since expired.)


2. Regarding any contracts that fall under the description outlined in point 1: please could you tell me when that contract was signed.


3. Regarding any contracts that fall under the description outlined in point 1: please could you tell me when it expires.


4. I am interested if there are any kinds of recyclable waste that are not being recycled, as a result of contractual restrictions upon you as a public body. Regarding any contracts that fall under the description outlined in point 1: please could you detail if any of these contracts have led to the situation outlined here, and detail what the restrictions are in the contract that have led to this situation. If this situation has arisen, please could you detail exactly which kinds of materials you are able to recycle and which kinds of materials you are prohibited from recycling.


5. Regarding any contracts that fall under the description outlined in point 1: I am interested in difficulties you would face as a public body were you to attempt to escape the terms of these contracts:

a. Please could you send me a brief description of the consequences (legal or financial) to you as a public body if you were to attempt to terminate and/or renegotiate the contract prior to its previously agreed expiration date.

b. Please could you send me a copy of any legal texts that relate to point 5a) above.


6. Regarding any contracts that fall under the description outlined in point 1, I am interested if any of these contracts specifies a certain amount of waste tonnage (and/or a certain percentage of waste tonnage) that is required to be disposed of through the use of incinerators:

a. Please could you tell me which contracts (if any) make these specifications.

b. If they do make these specifications, please could you outline what the specifications are.


7. I am interested in any internal reviews that you may have undertaken as a public body of any contracts you may hold that fall under the description outlined in point 1. Please could you send me any such reviews that may exist.


8. Regarding any contracts that fall under the description outlined in point 1: If you have produced any estimates regarding the environmental impact of these contracts, please could you send those to me.


Lincolnshire County Council have no Waste PFI Contracts.

Reference number
Date request received
18 February 2020
Date of decision
27 February 2020