Fire and Rescue Mental Health Support - Find a freedom of information request


1. Upon entry to the fire-brigade are there any psychometric tests to assess the mental stability of individuals regarding the stressors of exposure to trauma? (Past mental health history, any current issues etc.)


2. Are there any current monitoring techniques such as questionnaires that are undertaken regularly in order to assess the mental health of employees? (Are they only if a serious incident occurs or a regular, compulsory exercise for employees?)


3. Regarding mental-health treatment, do individuals need to reach out for help, or is it regularly offered to employees?


4. What kind of help do you offer to those suffering with mental health issues?


5. Are your department currently working on any improvements to your mental health facilities?


6. Upon retirement or leaving of the fire brigade do you offer any follow up mental health support for employees?


1. No psychometric tests are utilised, but a full medical is held prior to appointment.


2. No formal questionnaires, but debriefs are carried out as a matter of course after every incident with offers of formal support from our Critical Incident Support Team. Regular meetings are held with staff to encourage the raising of issues.


3. Self-referral is available to in-house employee support and counselling; peer support team offering listening service and sign-posting to other options for treatment (regularly promoted in Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue's weekly comms bulletin); referral to our Occupational Health Team and access to specialist counselling via Occupational Health or other external team.


4. As above.


5. Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue review existing provision on a regular basis. There are no current plans for change – existing external provision was recently renewed after review.


6. Yes via the Fire Fighters Charity.

Reference number
Date request received
11 September 2020
Date of decision
25 September 2020