Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services 2016-2019 - Find a freedom of information request


1. Can the Local Authority's Director of Public Health provide an estimate for the number of referrals made to alcohol treatment services in your local authority area for the following financial years?

a. 2016/2017

b. 2017/2018

c. 2018/2019


2. Can the Local Authority's Director of Public Health provide the outturn data for budget spent on drug and alcohol treatment services in your local authority area for the following financial years?

a. 2016/2017

b. 2017/2018

c. 2018/2019


3. Can the Local Authority’s Director of Public Health provide me with an estimate for the amount your local authority area is forecast to spend on drug and alcohol treatment services in the following financial years?

a. 2019/2020

b. 2020/2021


4. Does the Local Authority have a strategy in place to support children of alcoholics?



a. 1109 in 2016/2017

b. 1245 in 2017/2018

c. 1376 in 2018/2019



a. Treatment £6,137,797 Recovery £149.850 in 2016/2017

b. Treatment £4,550,652 Recovery £373,425 in 2017/2018

d. Treatment £4,985,652 Recovery £398,000 in 2018/2019


a. Treatment £5,009,652 Recovery £398,00 in 2019/2020

b. Treatment £5,014,652 Recovery £398,000 in 2020/2021


4. Whilst Lincolnshire County Council does not have a specific strategy for children whose parents have an alcohol dependency, we do provide a range of support to children in these circumstances including recognising they may be Young Carers. We undertake multi-agency training to raise awareness of safeguarding which includes parental substance and alcohol use, complete high quality Child and Family Assessments (Early Help Assessments and
Social Care Assessments) to assess the impact of parental alcohol use on children and consider whether these children are assuming a caring role and provide a range of interventions and support based on individual needs including Young Carer support.

Reference number
Date request received
05 March 2020
Date of decision
09 April 2020