Balfour Beatty Service Delivery - Find a freedom of information request


This request is In relation to the contract and delivery of services which Balfour Beatty provides Lincolnshire highways:

I wish to understand the level of service which has been agreed and the data which highlights the performance of the contracted party:

1. What is the service level agreement to remedy and resolve report road maintenance issues?

2. What is the key performance indicator data of how Balfour Beatty are delivering for the people of Lincolnshire?

3. The total number of active, resolved cases with opening dates to see how long they are open and the date to highlight the time period for resolutions and the number of cases which are delayed over the agreed service level.


1. The resolution of reported road maintenance issues is not purely down to the contract with Balfour Beatty Living Places. Many reported road maintenance issues are dealt with by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) teams through customer contact, enforcement action or through collaboration with other teams or authorities. The main quantifiable response times which apply to public reports are those which apply to intervention or investigatory level defects, as set out in the LCC's Highways Infrastructure Asset Management plan, which is available on our website.


2. Balfour Beatty have various Performance Indicators within the target, some of which can be directly linked the response times in the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan:

HWTC PI2: Compliance of response times in respect of emergency works (emergency/urgent) - minimum performance 98.5-99.5%.

HWTC PI2: Tasks completed within given timescales (reactive works) - minimum
performance 97-98%.


3. It is not possible to provide to total number of active, resolved cases without a more specific request. As per question 1, public reports about highways issues come in to various LCC highways teams and are resolved in a number of different ways, many not involving the term maintenance contract between Balfour Beatty Living Places. Many reports do not align with any given Policy response time and therefore do not align with the Performance Indicators in question 2. Some reports do not result in any works at all.

Reference number
Date request received
03 July 2020
Date of decision
21 July 2020