Facial Recognition Technology - Find a freedom of information request


1. Has your council used facial recognition technology, either as a pilot/trial or on-going work? If the answer is no, you may disregard the rest of the questions.

2. If yes please provide the date of use, location and purpose e.g. Boxing Day, city centre, to look for shoplifters

3. What were the results - were any individuals arrested or found to have breached civil orders etc. If you recorded the false alert rate please provide details

4. Were any private firms or police forces involved? If so please provide details

5. Has your council either referred itself to the Information Commissioner’s Office over facial recognition issues, or been referred by a third party? If so please provide details.


1. Lincolnshire County Council does not use facial recognition technology.

Reference number
Date request received
10 February 2020
Date of decision
10 March 2020