B1191 Speed Limit - Find a freedom of information request


1. I am hoping to get information as to why the B1191 was reduced from national speed limit to 40 MPH, yet the road surface has still not been fixed.


1. The speed limit was introduced due to the varying conditions on the road, where Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) has undulating and damaged sections that need repairing.

There is a scheme programmed to start in mid-June 2020 to repair these areas. LCC are allowed to place a temporary speed limit on a road for a period of 18 months.

Due to the condition at the time and knowing LCC had works planned, LCC took the decision to reduce the speed limit in a bid to slow down traffic and make highway users journeys safer.

Once the works are completed the speed limit will be usual national speed limit, 60mph.

Reference number
Date request received
14 February 2020
Date of decision
27 February 2020