Occupational Therapy Assessments - Find a freedom of information request


This request relates to Occupational Therapy Assessments:

1. What is the average waiting time for Service Users of Adult Social Care from request for Occupational Therapy Assessment to the assessment being carried out?


2. What is the longest waiting time for Service Users of Adult Social Care from request for Occupational Therapy Assessment to the assessment being carried out?


3. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the Occupational Therapy waiting list?


4. Do you anticipate / have you seen any pent up demand following the easing of lockdown?


5. How many people are on the waiting list?


6. Have you introduced new ways of working for your Occupational Therapists during this period– for example Virtual Assessments?


7. In your COVID-19 recovery planning how long do you feel it will take you to reduce the waiting list to pre-COVID levels?


8. Do you use or do you plan to use any third parties to deliver Occupational Therapy assessments (e.g. locums, private sector organisations or self-employed Occupational Therapists)?


9. If you have used third parties, please give the name of the organisation(s) and the number of assessments completed by each during the period 1 January 2019 to 1 January 2020


10. Do you have an official contract with any organisations or individuals to provide Occupational Therapy Assessments and if so, when is this due to end?


11. If you are looking at using a third party to deliver Occupational Therapy assessments when would you be able to do this?


12. Can you please provide contact details for the current Occupational Therapy Service Lead or equivalent?


1. The average time for an occupational therapy assessment to be carried out in 2020 is 41 days.


2. At 7 August 2020 the longest wait was 150 days. However this is delayed at the individual's request.


3. The waiting time for assessment has decreased from 57 days before Covid-19 to 23 days afterwards as we adopt new approaches to assessment.


4. Yes. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) have found that referrals dropped in March and April and have increased in June and July.


5. 397.


6. Yes. A range of virtual approaches have been introduced.


7. The waiting list is already returned to pre-covid levels.


8. LCC currently have 2 locums.


9. NA


10. No.


11. LCC does not have any currently plans to do this.


12. Catherine Williams: Catherine.Williams@lincolnshire.gov.uk Principal Occupational Therapist

Reference number
Date request received
05 August 2020
Date of decision
18 August 2020