Financial Losses and Special Payments - Find a freedom of information request


1. In your financial accounts for the financial year 2019/2020 do you have a section for “losses and special payments”?

2. If so how much money was accounted for in the 2019/2020 financial year as being "losses and special payments”? (Please note l am aware that the loss may have occurred many years earlier but I am interested in items which were accounted for in the last financial year, irrespective or when the loss took place.)

3. Please detail the three largest single amounts within this total, giving a cost for each loss and a detailed description of the claim and the reason for the loss.


Lincolnshire County Council doesn't have a note for losses and special payments. This seems to be when NHS/ Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) prepare their account but not local authorities.

Reference number
Date request received
13 August 2020
Date of decision
15 September 2020