Missing Looked After Children - At Risk and Not Yet Found - Find a freedom of information request


1. The number of Looked After Children (children in care) who have gone missing for at least a week since March 23rd 2020 (when the UK went into its first lockdown)?


2. The number of Looked After Children who went missing for over a month since March 23rd 2020?


3. The number of Looked After children who went missing for over a week since March 23rd 2020 who have not been not found or returned? If no-one has not returned, or been found, please state the longest period an LAC went missing. Please state the month they went missing and the ages of all those going missing in any such cases.


4. The number of occasions Looked After children are believed to have been a) sexually abused or exploited (including grooming where logged) or b) criminally exploited (e.g. involved in county lines) while missing from care since March 23rd 2020?


5. The number of children who are believed to have been sexually abused or exploited (including grooming where logged) on multiple occasions (at least two) while missing from care since March 23rd 2020?

For clarification, this is a definition of an LAC: https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/children-and-families-at-risk/looked-after-children.

Local authorities are duty bound to record missing episodes.


1. 1


2. 0


3. 0


4. Lincolnshire county council does not hold this information b. Lincolnshire county council does not hold this information


5. 0

Reference number
Date request received
21 January 2021
Date of decision
01 February 2021