Refugee Resettlements - Find a freedom of information request


I am a postgraduate researcher making some preliminary enquiries into refugee resettlements in rural areas of the UK.

I am aware that at least one family has been resettled in Lincolnshire in a rural town

1.and I would like to read up on your policy regarding current and future refugee resettlements in the county. If one is available, I would be most grateful if you could provide me with a link to LCC policy in this area, (such as on other county council websites e.g. Devon

2. I am particularly interested to note the variation in services between county councils - for example, I understand that provision of free bus passes for rural refugees to access ESOL classes and other services (eg halal butchers etc.) in larger urban areas is at the discretion of county councils?

It would be helpful to see the policy on this, if available, and also to research how LCC plans for refugee resettlement and how the county council works with local councils to ensure resettled refugees can access necessary services such as transport and adult education


1. A small number of refugee families (between 8 and 10 in total I believe) have been re-settled into Lincolnshire, mostly into market towns, with support from local District Councils. One family has been supported in a Community Sponsorship arrangement. The county is also home to a significant number of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) for which the County Council has statutory duties and related costs.

Lincolnshire's Resettlement Programme has been led by North Kesteven District Council. The Partnership includes all seven District Councils and the County Council. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is in place to support the Partnership, identifying roles and responsibilities. A copy can be obtained from North Kesteven directly.

LCC does not have a specific policy in place on this issue.


2. The MoU identifies roles and responsibilities of different organisations. This recognises that each agency has its own governance and decision making processes.

This Council has decided not to provide free bus passes.

Before families are accepted, LCC undertakes a review of school places in the locality to understand whether there is availability in the immediate area. If so, the District will progress the re-settlement; if not, an alternative family may be requested, with the checking process being repeated prior to acceptance.

In relation to support and ESOL classes, NKDC has procured services on behalf of the District Councils to ensure access in the areas where it is required, at reasonable cost to the public purse

Reference number
Date request received
05 February 2021
Date of decision
11 February 2021