Education, Health and Care Plan Timeline - Find a freedom of information request


I am looking at and have been talking to parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities. I have had various timelines and calls from parents about how an EHC timeline comes together, however I feel this was a question best placed for yourselves for accuracy.

Would you mind helping me answer the following questions please?

1. How long does the process of EHC plans usually take from initial application to granting?

2. What was the waiting time in February 2020 and now in February 2021?

3. What is the current waiting time?

4. Can you provide a month-by-month breakdown of waiting times from February 2020 and February 2021?


The statutory timeline for the completion of an Education, Health and Care assessment is 20 weeks. Your request has asked for details in numbers of days; 140 days = 20 weeks.

The answers provide below are based on an 'average' given the duration you have requested. Lincolnshire County Council has interpreted 'waiting time' to be the amount of time it has taken to undertake the EHCA, from start to finish. EHCA = Education, Health and Care Assessment

1. 185 days on average.

2. February 2020 - 233 days. February 2021 - 126 days.

3. Currently, for the month of March 2021, the average time taken to complete EHCAs is 122 days.



Month Average no of days to complete an EHCA
February 2020 233
March 2020 250
April 2020 245
May 2020 247
June 2020 200
July 2020 174
August 2020 174
September 2020 119
October 2020 134
November 2020 126
December 2020 132
January 2021 124
February 2021 126


Reference number
Date request received
09 March 2021
Date of decision
30 March 2021