Mobile Classrooms - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many mobile classrooms are there in Lincolnshire's a) schools and b) academies?

2. For i) schools and ii) academies, how long have they been there a) on average b) maximum time? c) how many have been there over ten years?

3. What plans are there to replace these with proper classrooms, with what finance and when?


1. LA schools - 95 Academies - 21 that we are aware of through last year's condition survey programme. There may be more, but they are outside of the LA's remit.

2. i) LA schools - LCC do not have the data to answer the question accurately. There are some that are over 20 years old and if we had to estimate, would put the average between 10 & 13 years. We would also estimate that 70% are in excess of 10 years old. ii) Academies - Again LCC have even less data in this area, but we would expect the 21 we know about are similar in age to the LA ones and the others owned by the academies are likely to be younger in age, but still have a wide range.

3. There are a number of mobile classrooms that are a vital part of the teaching and learning capacity of schools to enable them to provide places to their local communities. Some are needed longer term, some are shorter term. LCC have a program of works to maintain these buildings. The LA look to replace them with permanent accommodation if there is a strong case to do so based on condition and available resources. What limited condition funding is received from government grants is prioritised for greatest building condition needs which can also include mobiles. LCC are exploring options to try and replace some mobiles where they are beyond economic repair through a mobile replacement program over the next few years

Reference number
Date request received
17 June 2021
Date of decision
30 June 2021