S.14 Care Charges for Disabled Adults - Find a freedom of information request


1. What is the total amount of money recovered by your local authority, through s.14 care charges, for disabled adults* receiving long term care and support - excluding those living in a care home - in the following financial years?

a. 2018/19

b. 2019/20

c. 2020/21

* Please understand 'disabled adults' to mean all those living with disabilities, including learning disabilities


2. In total, how many disabled adults* - excluding those living in a care home - have received long term care and support in your local authority in the following financial years?

a. 2018/19

b. 2019/20

c. 2020/21

* Please understand 'disabled adults' to mean all those living with disabilities, including learning disabilities


3. Of the values stated in answers 1a-c, what was the total amount of money recovered specifically in relation to adults with learning disabilities in the following financial years?

a. 2018/19

b. 2019/20

c. 2020/21


4. How many of the totals stated in answers 2a-c, within the following financial years, were recorded as having learning disabilities?

a. 2018/19

b. 2019/20

c. 2020/21


If retrieving the information for the following question (question 5) exceeds the appropriate limit for the FOI, please answer only questions 1 to 4.


1. a. £2,892181

b. £3,026,208

c. £3,389,094



2. a. 3575

b. 3427

c. 3512



3. a. £1,982,488

b. £2,054,394

c. £2,247,960



4. a. 1945

b. 1976

c. 1981

Reference number
Date request received
06 July 2021
Date of decision
21 July 2021