Adult Care Contracts - Find a freedom of information request


I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please send me:

1. Information request 1 - Information on all frameworks and contracts organised by the council for the provision of care and/or support for adults with complex needs; whether joint or separate for mental health, learning disability, acquired brain injury and physical disability. To include: the description of the framework; the start date; the end date; the name of the team responsible for commissioning it; and the lead commissioning contact name and role for each framework or contract

2. Information request 2 - For all the identified frameworks and contracts identified in the request above to provide the names of all organisations awarded onto the framework or contract


All of the information on contracts can be found at the web address stated below

You will need to register to access the information but this is free. All contract information is held in the Contract Register section of the website

Reference number
Date request received
24 August 2021
Date of decision
02 September 2021