Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy - Learning Disabilities and Autism - Find a freedom of information request


We would be very grateful if you could tell us the following information about your local area:


1. Please tell us the name of the organisation/s who is commissioned to deliver the following types of statutory independent advocacy:

a. Independent Mental Health Advocacy

b. Advocacy under the Care Act

c. Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (including DoLS)


2. Please tell us the name of any organisation(s) that you commission to deliver any type of advocacy for the following groups. (This could include self advocacy support, community advocacy, peer advocacy).

a. Children and young people who have a learning disability or autism in the community (for instance to prevent admission to hospital, or through the C(E)TR process)

b. Adults who have a learning disability and or autism in the community (for instance to prevent admission to hospital, or through the C(E)TR process)

c. Children and young people who have a learning disability or autism who are in inpatient settings (informal or formal patients)

d. Adults who have a learning disability or autism who are in inpatient settings (informal or formal patients)

e. Where a person is in segregation (or subject to any other restrictive practice)


3. Please tell us the name of any organisation(s) that you commission to deliver any type of advocacy to support parents or carers of children, young people or adults who have a learning disability and or autism.


4. Please tell us how many people with a learning disability and or autism who were detained under the Mental Health Act used the IMHA service between 1st April 2019 and 31st March 2020.


1. Voiceability deliver all advocacy services for both adults and children within Lincolnshire.


2. Voiceability deliver all advocacy services for both adults and children within Lincolnshire.


3. Voiceability deliver all advocacy services for both adults and children within Lincolnshire.


Support need - autism 5
Support need - autism/learning difficulty 3
Support need - learning difficulty 23
Totals 31


Reference number
Date request received
08 October 2021
Date of decision
19 October 2021