The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act - Find a freedom of information request


I write concerning the government's flagship counter extremism policy, the PREVENT duty.

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act [2015] placed a statutory duty on public sector workers to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.

I am writing to you to request all the information I am entitled to under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Until the 2011 Review, Prevent funding was distributed to priority areas on the basis of demographics. The 2011 review announced that using demographics as a way of distributing Prevent funding was to change. Since the 2015 review, this information has not been available.

In light of this, I wish to have the following information:

1.The total Prevent budget for each year starting 2006 to present.

2.The most recent list of local priority areas.

3.The most recent list of other local authorities receiving Prevent funding.

4.The criteria for how a local authority is identified as a local priority area.

5.How is Prevent funding being decided according to different risks?


Lincolnshire County Council does not hold this information; it is held by the central Government in the Home Office. The requestor may wish to make a further FOI request to the Home Office. See link below:

Reference number
Date request received
20 October 2021
Date of decision
04 November 2021