Unmet Care Packages - Find a freedom of information request


1.Can you please tell me the number of unmet/unfulfilled care packages currently assessed as required by the council but not being delivered by a provider?

2.Also whether these can be broken down into those which relate to individuals currently within hospitals and those within the community?

3.Is it also possible to give me that same number from one year and from two years ago?

As at date: Total cases waiting Community cases Hospital cases
09/11/2021 269 181 88
10/11/2020 136 99 37
08/11/2019 79 60 19

Lincolnshire County Council currently report on waiting list figures every Tuesday so cannot give figures for precisely the same date for each year. The 09/11/2021 and the 10/11/2020 are both Tuesdays but it appears that the oldest data (2019) was produced on Fridays.

The above table shows the snapshot figure for the number of people awaiting the provision of brokered homecare services only on the dates requested; LCC do not hold similar information for other service types that may form part of a care package.

As with all areas across the Health and Social Care sector at present, recruitment remains challenging for homecare Providers. This coupled with continuing levels of demand for services has contributed to rising numbers of cases waiting for the provision of a package of homecare.

Reference number
Date request received
01 November 2021
Date of decision
18 November 2021