International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Definition of Antisemitism - Code of Conduct - Find a freedom of information request


Our request is as follows:

1. Definition of antisemitism

a. Since adoption by the Council, please confirm if any motions amending or rejecting adoption have been passed or defeated by the Council?

b. If your answer to Q1a is yes, kindly confirm what was amended the date of amendment/rejection and a copy/working link to the motion/minutes amending or rejecting adoption.


2. Codes of Conduct

a. Has the IHRA Definition been incorporated into the members' code of conduct?

b. Has the IHRA Definition been incorporated into the officers' and employees' code of conduct and conditions of employment?

c. Who is the person responsible for investigating or monitoring alleged breaches of the council's codes of conduct? Please provide their name, job title, e-mail address and direct telephone number.


3. Complaints

a. Is the IHRA Definition used to define antisemitism for disciplinary purposes?

b. If not, how is antisemitism defined for disciplinary purposes?

c. How many formal complaints of antisemitic conduct has the Council considered between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020 against members, officers or council employees?

d. How many complaints resulted in disciplinary action?

e. How many complaints resulted in no disciplinary action?


4. Equality, diversity and training

a. Who is responsible for complying with Lincolnshire County Council's legal obligations in relation to equality and diversity? Please provide their name, job title, e-mail address and direct telephone number.

b. What training does Lincolnshire County Council provide to its members, officers and employees specifically on antisemitism as opposed to generally against all forms of discrimination prohibited under the Equality Act 2010?

c. If such specific training on antisemitism is provided, is it conducted by the Council in-house or is it outsourced to a training provider?

d. If such specific training on antisemitism is outsourced, which organisation(s) provide the training?


5. Prevent coordinator

a. Who is Lincolnshire County Council's Prevent Coordinator? Please provide their name, job title, e-mail address and direct telephone number.



a. Since adoption by the Council, no motions amending or rejecting adoption have been passed or defeated by the Council.

b. Not applicable.


2. a. No, the IHRA Definition has not been incorporated into the members' code of conduct.

b. It has been incorporated into our Diversity and Inclusion Policy which forms part of all employees’ terms and conditions of employment.

c. Line managers are responsible for monitoring employees conduct and investigating any issues. David Coleman, Chief Legal Officer and Monitoring Officer is responsible for dealing with alleged breaches of the Council's member code of conduct. He can be contacted via e-mail to


3. a. The definition is included in the Diversity and Inclusion Policy which also states:

We will not:

  • tolerate intimidation, harassment, or bullying
  • tolerate discrimination based on any protected characteristic listed in the Equality Act 2010.

The protected characteristics are:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnerships
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins)
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

We may bring disciplinary action against those who breach these principles.

b. See above.

c. No such formal complaints against Council members or employees have been considered.

d. Not applicable.

e. Not applicable.


4. a. All managers and employees are responsible for compliance with the Council's legal obligations. The Corporate Leadership Team lead for equality and diversity is Glen Garrod, Executive Director – Adult Care and Community Wellbeing –

b. We do not provide specific training on antisemitism. All employees are required to complete on-line Equality and Diversity training

c. Not applicable.

d. Not applicable.


5. a.

Paul Drury

PREVENT Officer Safer Communities

County Offices




Reference number
Date request received
20 August 2021
Date of decision
07 October 2021