Central Schools Services Block Funding - Find a freedom of information request


Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act (2000), please may we request that you supply the following information in relation to the financial year April 2019-April 2020:

1. How much funding was allocated to your local authority in the 'ongoing commitments' category of the CSSB (Central Schools Services Block)?


2. How much of the funding specified in question 1 above (as a raw figure and a percentage) was allocated to SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) spending and if relevant to ASC (Agreed Syllabus Conference) spending?


3. How much money from the CSSB funding for 2019-2020 did you spend on:

a.Democratic services to support SACRE meetings in 2019-2020 (e.g. a clerk).

b.Professional support (RE specialist adviser / consultant to support the work of SACRE).

c.Support for schools, including CPD and training specifically for RE / Collective Worship.

d.Other costs: please specify, e.g. separate clerking.


4. How much money from other funds outside the CSSB fund (e.g. Community Integration Fund or CIF) was used to support RE in your local authority?


5. When was your last Agreed Syllabus published, and how much did it cost to complete? (i.e. to write/develop/publish/launch, including any initial training for your schools).


6. Who is the contact for SACRE business in your LA? (name and email address).


7. Are there any barriers to providing funding to fulfil your statutory duties in relation to SACRE and/or the Agreed Syllabus Conference, that you'd like to tell us about?


8. Is there anything else you wish to tell us?


1. £3,062,324.


2. Zero.








4. £30,000.


5. 2018. Costs £14,600.


6. Steven Blagg: steve.blagg@lincolnshire.gov.uk


7. No.


8. No.

Reference number
Date request received
09 November 2021
Date of decision
01 December 2021