Green and Red Claims - Highway Damage - Find a freedom of information request


I am seeking to understand the current situation regarding 'Green' and 'Red' claims and the impact on funding for highways.

"Green Claims" are claims for damages made against culprits and their insurers for the cost to repair damage to the highway asset and "Red Claims" are those claims made against the highway authority.

Could you please respond to the following questions for the most recent full financial year for which you have records:

1. What is the total length of carriageway maintained by the Lincolnshire County Council highway authority?

2. What is the annual revenue budget allocation for highway maintenance and response (excluding improvements)?

3. What is the approximate annual cost of response and repair following damage to the highway asset?

4. How many "Green Claims" were raised in the last full financial year?

5. How many "Green Claims" led to a successful recovery of damages?

6. What was the value of damages recovered from those "Green Claims"?

7. How many "Red Claims" were received in the last full financial year?

8. How many "Red Claims" were paid in the year?

9. What is the value of damages paid in respect of those "Red Claims"?

10. What was the legal cost of defending "Red Claims" in the last full financial year?

11. From which year are the figures provided?


1. 8,808km.

2. £19.6m.

3. The 2020/2021 budget for Lincolnshire County Council's reactive repair service is approx. £3.0m.

4. Please be advised that Lincolnshire County Council does not record the actual number of claims received in a financial year – this is due to the fact that many claims can carry over into the next financial year.

5. Please be advised that Lincolnshire County Council does not record the actual number of claims received in a financial year – this is due to the fact that many claims can carry over into the next financial year.

6. £414,951 from a total of 472 invoices raised.

7. 2073 - based on the notification dates and not actual incident dates.

8. 734 to date further claims are under assessment.

9. £262,450.70 This is a combined figure as the claims are handled by in-house teams.

10. Lincolnshire County Council is unable to separate these costs.

11. Financial year 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020.

Reference number
Date request received
04 August 2020
Date of decision
25 August 2020