Adults with Learning Disabilities - Supported Living - Find a freedom of information request


1. Please provide the total number of adults with learning disabilities funded by the Local Authority

2. Please provide the number of adults with learning disabilities who have a supported living tenancy in the local authority

3. How many supported living schemes does the local authority commission?

4. How many adults with learning disabilities are in need of new housing to support their wellbeing outcomes and quality of life?

5. Please provide the number of people with learning disabilities who known to the transitions team?

6. Of the people with learning disabilities who are known to the transitions team, how many will turn 18 in the next four years?


1. 2276 as at 1 April 2020.

2. 573 currently in shared accommodation commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC), so would therefore have a tenancy. LCC would not hold information on who had a private tenancy.

3. The local authority has access to 496 tenancies, within 110 dedicated accommodation settings across Lincolnshire, where LCC commission the care and support for those tenants. These are known as 'dedicated accommodation settings' where there is usually also an element of care and support which is shared between tenants.

4. LCC is currently mapping future demand across Lincolnshire at the level of individual and expect this to be completed at the end of September 2020. This will capture current information on future demand for supported living, where part of the need includes a tenancy in a dedicated accommodation setting. This may be met via vacancies within our current existing and established dedicated accommodation settings. LCC's current demand profile indicates 60-120 service users would meet the threshold for dedicated accommodation setting (access to 24/7 support) and it is expected that this need may be met within the existing tenancies. In addition to this, 10-15 individuals are expected to be co-located in 3-5 new dedicated accommodation settings per year. This is
subject to a high degree of fluctuation. LCC identified 146 (April 2019) new individuals who would need this type of setting in the next 5 year period; however, LCC have vacancies within 'dedicated accommodation settings' which may be suitable tenancies depending on compatibility and suitability. Mapping future demand will update this figure, completed end of September 2020.

5. LCC does not have a dedicated transition team and are therefore unable to provide you with the number of cases such a team have open to them.

6. As per question 5.

Reference number
Date request received
18 July 2020
Date of decision
13 August 2020