Education Locality Leads - Find a freedom of information request


Please provide the following information:

1. How many Education Locality Leads Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) currently employs.

2. Who is the line manager for locality leads.

3. What has the total cost been over the past three years of employing locality leads, including salary, on costs, and travelling expenses.

4. Do any of the current locality leads hold qualifications in coaching and mentoring.

5. Does LCC have any plans to reduce the number of locality leads in the light of increasing numbers of academies in the county.


1. As of 31 December 2021, Lincolnshire County Council employed five.

2. Matt Spoors.

3. Below is a breakdown/total of costs for the period of January 2019 – December 2021.

Category Amount
Employer's contributions £194,201.30
Employer's NIC £107,909.87
Salary £909,858.05
Travel £24,652.91
Grand Total £1,236,622.13

4. One is completing a level five course this year in coaching.

5. There are no plans to actively reduce the size of the team at present.

Reference number
Date request received
5 January 2022
Date of decision
27 January 2022