Damaged cars - Find a freedom of information request


In relation to Mareham Lane, I respectfully request that under the Freedom of Information Act that:

1. Please tell me the number of damaged cars that you have been notified of.

2. Please tell me the number of successful claimants regarding damage to cars.

3. If there have been a high number of complaints, what do highways propose to do about it. Or will they leave it till March 2022?

4. As Mareham lane is a 'Hierarchy 4', surely this road will have a minimum width for each carriageway from centre of highway to verge?


1. Lincolnshire County Council are aware of five claims relating to five vehicles but there may be more vehicles as a result of complaints.

2. One successful claim and four claims still under review.

3. If there is a trend for a current location or concern, the complaints team would notify the Highways Department to look into this further, however The Council are not aware of any concerns on Mareham Lane that would cause The Council to believe further enquires are required.

4. Lincolnshire assigns local maintenance hierarchies based on the nature and usage of carriageways forming part of the public highway. The County has a large network of evolved roads which have been historically inherited, rather than designed to an engineering specification, so minimum width forms no part of that designation.

Reference number
Date request received
10 January 2022
Date of decision
27 January 2022